The Brick Library Story
There’s nothing we love more than Lego family time – spending time with the kids building new sets, sorting blocks, and making up our own creations. Watching the little ones build, learn, work together and creatively problem solve is what Lego is all about.
The name ‘LEGO’ is an abbreviation of the two Danish words “leg godt”, meaning “play well” – and it is this creative outlet that we want to share with other families.
The idea for The Brick Library came about in lockdown when many families, like us, were spending lots of time at home and the need for new toys (like Lego) was a constant ask by our little humans. The problem is that Lego is expensive and once built, sets can take up a lot of space and just sit there. The excitement of a new set wears off – and we were not alone. Many friends were feeling the same so we needed a solution...
Subscribe to The Brick Library. Choose from 200+ Lego sets.
Enjoy the building process on your own or with the family.
Use our easy, prepaid, stress free, door-to-door courier service.
Come back and choose another challenge.
Our membership fees cover administrative costs and encourage Lego Loyality. We offer special perks for annual members as well as discounted rates.
These will evolve as we grow The Brick Library.
View Our Membership Plans
Casual Membership
Perfect for those that want to try our services for the first time, have a particular Lego set they are interested in bulding or a short timeframe they want to fill with family friendly activities, e.g. school holidays.
Duration: 1 Month Subscription
Cost: $4.99 per month
Quarterly Membership
For those that have been flirting with Lego for a while, but not sure about making a long-term commitment.
Duration: 3 Month Subscription
Cost: $12.99 per quarter (= $4.33 per month)
Annual Membership
Perfect for the avid Lego builder. You love the experience of the build, you love getting a new set every weekend and you really want to build some of the large expert level sets.
Duration: 12 months
Cost: $49.99 per year (= $4.17 per month)
Annual membership perks:
1. VIP promo codes every quarter
2. Priority bookings, set selection
3. Advanced notice of new sets added to the library